transitiv-nagios-plugins 0.8 released

Posted on June 29th, 2011 by Adam Sweet

This release includes some minor bug fixes, PNP4Nagios graph template improvements and a new plugin to check memory usage on Cisco devices. A complete list of changes is available here.

We are also now providing native packages for Debian and CentOS/RHEL. Have a look at our resources page for more information.

Memory usage on Cisco devices is split into distinct "pools". This new plugin will ensure that the usage of each pool is within the provided warning and critical thresholds, and performance data is generated for each individual pool. The following images demonstrate the PNP4Nagios graphs generated for a Cisco router using the included template:

Check Cisco CPU Memory

Check Cisco I/O Memory

If you find these plugins useful or have any comments or suggestions then please get in touch!